Estonian Theatre Union

Estonian Theatre Union is a blanket organisation for various more specialised theatre professions; it represents them collectively in negotiations with the government about wages, social securities, etc. In that function it acts as a trade union, but has several additional functions as well.

It forms the juries for awarding annual theatre prizes, helps to organize festivals and various training courses, publishes theatre-related books, runs two rest homes, etc.

Its incomes are membership fees, and substantial financial support from the theatre branch of the Estonian Cultural Endowment (Eesti Kultuurkapital).
The rooms of the Theatre Union are usually the meeting place for more specialised organisations; often the latter have no rooms and addresses of their own, and they should be contacted through the Theatre Union.
The highest authority of the Theatre Union is its general assembly. In between its sessions the work is directed by a board, whose chairman currently is Rein Oja and managing director is Riina Viiding.

There are 15 such member organisations:

  • The Association of Professional Actors of Estonia (Eesti Näitlejate Liit)
  • Estonian Theatre Directors’ Union (Eesti Lavastajate Liit)
  • The Association of Estonian Scenographers (Eesti Lavastuskunstnike Liit)
  • The Association of Estonian Theatre Managers (Eesti Teatrijuhtide Liit)
  • The Association of Estonian Theatre Technicians (Eesti Teatritehniliste Töötajate Ühendus)
  • Estonian Professional Dancers Union (Eesti Kutseliste Tantsijate Liit)
  • The Association of Estonian Vocal Soloists (Eesti Vokaalsolistide Liit)
  • The Association of Estonian Chorus (Eesti Kooriartistide Ühendus)
  • Researchers’ Union (Eesti Teatriuurijate Ühendus)
  • The Association of Estonian Theatre Critics (Eesti Teatrikriitikute Ühendus)
  • The Association of Estonian Theatre Administrators (Eesti Teatriadministraatorite Ühendus)
  • The Association of Estonian Theatre Veterans (Eesti Teatriveteranide Ühendus)
  • the small theatre Tuuleveski (Windmill).